Original Fine Art & Prints by Valarie Connell

Discover the beauty of Valarie Connell's Pyrography, an art form that involves burning intricate designs onto wood, to create masterpieces that will take your breath away. Each piece is painstakingly crafted with precision and care, resulting in one-of-a-kind artworks that capture the essence of nature and its intricate details.

In addition to the original fine art Pyrography pieces, Valarie also offers a range of high-quality art prints featuring her stunning creations. These prints are perfect for those who appreciate unique beauty and want to bring a touch of it into their homes or offices. Whether you prefer portraits, wildlife, or abstract designs, there is a print that is bound to capture your heart and elevate your interiors.

To ensure that you stay up to date with all of Valarie's latest creations, be sure to follow her on your favorite social media platforms. Whether you crave a daily dose of inspiration or want to get to know the artist on a more personal level, social media is the perfect place to do so.

Valarie Connell Night Visions art show 2022 Coconino Center for the Arts.

Valarie Connell

Original Art / Prints